
Kariya’s Status Remains Unsettled; Page Will Be Flexible


Pierre Page spent his first month as Mighty Duck coach keeping detailed notes on his new team. He jotted down possible line combinations, defense pairings, game plans and most anything else of value.

Now, with less than a week until training camp opens, it’s time to set his scribblings aside and simply wing it. It’s probably wise to be flexible, particularly because restricted free agent Paul Kariya hasn’t signed a new contract and might not be available for the start of training camp next Tuesday at Disney Ice.

“It’s not something you want to have happen,” Page said. “I have no control over it. Probably a few years ago, I might have worried about it. I’ll work with the other guys. I hope his people and management will come together.”


Another day passed with the sides still at odds over a new deal for Kariya, an All-Star left wing who was third in the NHL in scoring with 44 goals and 99 points last season.

The Ducks’ initial offer was $25 million for five years, but the team says Don Baizley, Kariya’s agent, has yet to make a counteroffer.

It’s believed Kariya and Baizley would like the $25 million spread over three seasons instead of five.

Kariya’s unhappiness with the Ducks over the firing of Ron Wilson after four seasons as the team’s coach further complicates matters. Kariya lunched with Michael Eisner, Disney CEO, in June to clear the air.

But until a new deal is struck, Kariya will remain in his hometown of Vancouver. It could put a crimp in Page’s training camp plans, but he’s determined to carry on without Kariya if he must.

“I’ve written all kinds of notes and I’ll probably check back a week before we go to Japan [for the season opener Oct. 3], “ Page said. “[But] it’s really important not to have any preconceived notions. We’ll just let it happen. Maybe somebody will surprise us.


“I believe in being unpredictable. I try a lot of things.”

Try winning without Kariya. The Ducks took a stab at it, but were 1-8-2 with Kariya sidelined by an abdominal injury for last season’s first 11 games.

Counting their failure so far to re-sign Kariya, the Ducks are 0 for 3 in meeting their off-season goals. They have neither secured a physical defenseman nor added the scoring depth they lacked last season.

Page is unfazed. He believes Kariya soon will be back in the fold and that rookies Marc Moro and Espen Knutsen could fill voids created by the Ducks’ lack of success in the free-agent market.

Page also is encouraged by the signing of veteran right wing Tomas Sandstrom, who helped the Detroit Red Wings win the Stanley Cup last season.

“We’d like to get at least 15 goals in five-on-five situations out of him,” Page said. “Knowing he’s just won the Stanley Cup and he plays with a lot of emotion, a lot of passion, he’s going to be an important veteran for us.”
