
Diana and Mother Teresa


With the deaths of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa, an unavoidable lonesomeness has entered the psyche of humankind. As a result of their works of compassion, we were reminded of the potential of our species, and regrettably, with their deaths, we are reminded that there are so few alive today who live up to their standards of excellence.

All of us should take note of their sacrifices and strive to emulate their work, for in this fast-paced world we tend to forget what Princess Diana and Mother Teresa knew all along--that traits such as love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness are what make our spirits shine in the eyes of our creator. The work of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa can blossom far beyond the expectations of these two workers of goodwill if only each one of us attempts to improve himself or herself, individually, and to help bring about a more peaceful and compassionate world.

The human experiment can progress to its full potential only through these means. Otherwise, we will become extinct, like the dinosaurs before us.



Los Angeles

* “Light of Calcutta and the World” (editorial, Sept. 7) touched me deeply. Thank you!

While in Rome I was unexpectedly (and thrilled to be) invited to offer a morning Mass for Mother Teresa and her nuns at her convent in the slums of the Eternal City. After the service (and giving them holy communion), I humbly asked Mother Teresa if she would autograph my pocket Bible.

She smiled and most graciously signed her name, but she also, in her own hand, wrote above her autograph these words: “Be holy because Jesus who chose you is holy.” Mother Teresa is the chosen one. She indeed is the holy one.


Los Angeles

* Admittedly Lady Diana Spencer was a great humanitarian, but nobody has given as much of themselves to make the world a better place as Mother Teresa did. The imbalance in the coverage given to the passing of these two individuals is a disservice to your readers and to the causes to which Mother Teresa dedicated her life.


Los Angeles

* It is reported that the fund for the benefit of the disadvantaged, set up in the name of Princess Diana, will reach $1 billion in the near future. An astonishing testimony for her work in such a short life.

Perhaps Howard Rosenberg (Sept. 7) and Robert Scheer (Column Left, Sept. 9) should ponder on what it is that they have achieved in their lifetimes that gives them the right to write such mean-spirited, nasty and unfair columns about her. They should be ashamed of themselves.


Newport Beach

* Those people who unfairly compare Diana to Mother Teresa forget that Mother Teresa started her life ministering to the poor as a nun at age 36, the age that Diana’s life ended. Who knows what good works Diana could have performed.



Los Angeles
