


Is your family supporting your career goals? Or do you sometimes feel as if you are being pulled between two worlds--work and home? Take the following family and career assessment quiz to find out where you stand.

First, complete the whork sheet in the shaded box on this page. Then answer the following questions as honestly as you can. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers.



There are only 24 hours in a day. How many hours do you spend at each of the following tasks each weekday? After writing down an hour estimate (e.g., sleep eight hours), place an “x” in the column that indicates whether you believe this amount is too much, just right or too little.


Then, after completing your “Typical Weekday” schedule, revise it in the “Ideal Weekday” column, to show how you would rather spend your weekday. What steps can you start taking today to start creating such an ideal weekday?


Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little:

Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday:



Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little: Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday



Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little

Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday:



Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little:

Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday:


With children

Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little:

Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday:


With partner

Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little:

Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday:


With friends

Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little:

Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday



Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little:

Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday



Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little:

Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday:


Volunteer work

Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little:

Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday:



Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little:

Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday:



Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little:

Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday:



Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little:

Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday:


“Alone time”

Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little:

Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday:



Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little:

Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday



Actual Hours Spent:

Too Much:

Just Right:

Too Little:

Hours Spent in Typical Weekday in Ideal Weekday:



1. Which three life activities are top priorities for you?

Are you devoting enough time to them each day?

a) Yes b) No

2. Which three life activities are lowest priorities for you?

Are you devoting the least amount of time possible to them each day?

a) Yes b) No

3. What is your current career goal? How close are you to achieving this goal?

a) Extremely close (within one to three years) b) Somewhat close (within four to six years) c) Far (seven years or more)

4. What actions must you take to achieve this career goal?

Additional education ___ More hours at work ____ Financial outlay ___ Travel ___ Apprenticeship ____ Move ___ Sacrifice family time ___ Change job ____ Build reputation ___ Other ___

Have you begun to take these actions? a) Yes b) No

5. Is your family supportive of your career goal? a) Yes b) No

6. Does your family celebrate your career successes? a) Yes b) No

7. Does your family offer emotional support when you suffer career setbacks? a) Yes b) No

8. Does your partner routinely take actions to help you achieve your career goal?

a) Yes b) No

9. What percentage of home chores do you do in your household?

a) 25% or less b) 50% c) 51%-75% d) more than 75%

10. What percentage of child-care responsibilities do you have in vyour household?

a) 25% or less b) 50% c) 51%-75% d) more than 75%

11. When you must take work home, do family members . . .

a) respect your need for “alone time” b) interrupt rarely c) interrupt frequently

12. What are the five most important things that your family members can do to help you achieve your career goals?






Do they perform these actions:

a) Always

b) Sometimes

c) Rarely

d) Never

13. In the last five years, have you sacrificed career opportunities to please family members?

a) No

b) Yes

14. Do you believe that only bad or selfish people place their career interests before their personal and family interests?


a) No

b) Yes

15. Does your partner believe that only bad or selfish people place their career interests before their personal and family interests?

a) No

b) Yes

16. Write the names of three people who have achieved your career goals:




What sacrifices do you think they have made to achieve this goal? Are you willing to make these sacrifices?

a) Yes

b) Some of them

c) No

17. Will your family support you emotionally if you make these sacrifices?

a) Yes

b) No

18. Will your family support you financially--or adjust to financial limitations--if you need to take career actions that will significantly lower your income?

a) Yes

b) No

19. Do you currently have a written plan or schedule for achieving your career goal?

a) Yes

b) No

20. Have you shared this written plan or schedule with your family members?

a) Yes

b) No



1. a=3 b=0; 2. a=3 b=0; 3. a=3 b=2 c=1; 4. a=3 b=0; 5. a=3 b=0

6. a=3 b=0; 7. a=3 b=0; 8. a=3 b=0 9. a=1 b=3 c=2 d=1; 10. a=1 b=3 c=2 d=1

11. a=3 b=2 c=1; 12. a=3 b=2 c=1 d=0; 13. a=3 b=0; 14. a=3 b=0; 15. a=3 b=0

16. a=3 b=2 c=1; 17. a=3 b=0; 18. a=3 b=0; 19. a=3 b=0; 20. a=3 b=0

47 to 60 points: Congratulations! You have concrete plans for your career future, and you are in a family that is nurturing and supportive of your goals.

35 to 46 points: You have set goals for your future and are on your way toward achieving them, with your family’s support. Are there any unresolved issues about your career goals that need to be discussed with your family members? If so, sit down for a group strategy session.

27 to 34 points: You are not receiving the support you need to pursue your career goals. Ask yourself, have you clearly verbalized your needs to your family members? Is there a reason why they may be unable or unwilling to support you in your goals? If a conflict between family and career is causing discord in your family, you might wish to seek the advice of a professional counselor, either alone, or with your family members.


Below 27 points: There is a clear conflict between your career goals and your family situation. Consider seeking the advice of a nurturing psychologist, career counselor or family counselor, so that you can rebuild your self-esteem, plan for the future and create a more nurturing family environment.
