
Investors Fair Will Address All Those ‘ifs’


If the U.S. economy stays strong, if the government remains stable and if the country maintains good relationships with foreign governments, then Carol Haverty figures there’s no reason the stock market won’t hold strong.

“But look at those ifs,” said Haverty, president of the Channel Islands Council of the National Assn. of Investors Corp. “I’m concerned--is my money going to be there to take care of me for the rest of my life?”

Haverty, like other stock market participants, wants to know how to best handle her investments. That’s why she will be in the audience at the Channel Islands Council’s first Investors Fair on Saturday at the Oxnard Hilton.


Scheduled speakers include Mitzi Clayton, investor relations analyst for AFLAC, a health insurance provider; Cam Garner, chairman, president and chief executive of Dura Pharmaceuticals; Bruce Vincent, senior vice president of funds management for the Swift Energy Co.; and Roger Krage, co-founder, and Richard Snyder, vice president, chief financial officer and managing general partner of Crown Pacific Partners L.P.

Times columnist Tom Petruno will give the keynote speech.

“People will have a sense of touching real human beings, real companies and not just strategists, advisors or researchers,” Haverty said. “These are people who are down in the trenches, making the bucks, dickering with suppliers. A lot of real people who are investing real dollars every month need a sense of connection.”

Haverty’s council, founded about 11 months ago, represents about 200 individual investors clubs with more than 4,000 members throughout Ventura and Santa Barbara counties.

The Investors Fair will run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $40. For information, call 482-4600.
