
Gavin Charts to Tap KCLU-FM’s Playlist


KCLU-FM (88.3), Cal Lutheran University’s public radio station, has been selected to contribute its jazz playlists to the Gavin Report.

KCLU will join 90 other jazz-oriented stations across the nation that help create the weekly Gavin Charts, which track the most popular jazz recordings.

“That really legitimizes you and the record companies view you as an important station and one they need to court,” said Mary Olson, KCLU’s general manager.


As a result, Olson said, her station will receive more service, jazz recordings and national visibility.

Jazz occupies about 75% of KCLU’s on-air time, she said.

The station owns some 2,000 jazz discs, but Olson said she wants a library large enough so she won’t have to make last-minute calls to record companies for a tribute show on a specific artist or theme shows highlighting certain instruments.

KCLU is also Ventura County’s only National Public Radio station.
