
After-School Child Care


Re Sen. Barbara Boxer’s Sept. 18 letter regarding after-school programs:

The role of government is to govern. The role of parents is to parent, raising our children in the obligations that they will have to our society.

If we are to consider our children our most precious resource, then government needs not to foster day care, but to foster a culture that emphasizes the family. For too long, we have tolerated children having children; we have accepted the idea of selected single-parent families and we have encouraged obtaining material goods over the welfare of our children.

We must, as a society, find a way to reemphasize the virtues that advance civilization. We must eliminate the vicious circle of taxes to pay for programs we would not need if we did not have to work to pay the taxes. The establishment of government-operated after-school care is not a long-term solution to our societal problems. It only serves to exacerbate our dependency government and require additional tax revenue from an already overburdened populace.



