
Jones Claims She Was ‘Stalked’ by Police Officers

<i> Washington Post</i>

Paula Corbin Jones alleged in court papers filed Friday that she was the victim of “stalking” by Arkansas law enforcement agents after rebuffing what she has described as a crude proposition by then-Gov. Bill Clinton in 1991.

Jones, who was then a low-level state government clerk, said that after she turned down Clinton’s request for sex in a hotel suite, her personal life was being investigated and she was being “watched and/or followed” in an attempt to punish her or pressure her into changing her mind.

“I felt frightened and as if I was being stalked,” she said.

The allegations were included in Jones’ first response to written interrogatories by Clinton’s lawyers. Yet Jones offered virtually no details in the documents to back up her claims of stalking, such as names, dates or places.


The Jones statements were included as attachments to a motion submitted by Clinton asking the court to force her to produce documents she has withheld. Most important, the president’s lawyers want an affidavit detailing the “distinguishing characteristics” Jones says she saw on his body when he lowered his pants during their alleged encounter.
