
Kenneth Starr


Put aside all the spin doctors and straw polls; the whole issue boils down to this: Either: Kenneth Starr squandered $40-plus million of taxpayer money on wild goose chases and his grand jury report will be deemed “pulp fiction,” in which case President Clinton should expect only a proverbial congressional slap on his wrists, or the 300-plus page report will detail and substantiate not just a stained dress, but a pattern and history of impeachable offenses by William Jefferson Clinton before and during his presidency. To wit, the Congress will have no other choice than to remove him from office.

Character matters and for my money, I’m betting Judge Starr’s holding all the aces.




Our laws permit the free rein of greed, animosity and hatred to drive a self-righteous movement to enormous excesses in tearing down our president and the institution of our presidency. All of it based on the flimsiest of pretexts, namely, perjury for not publicly disclosing a sexual escapade of a type which most of his accusers have probably had and lied about at one time or another. Such hypocrisy!

We must find a way to stop it or, make no mistake, when this one ends another equally partisan investigation will take its place whether the victim be Republican or Democrat.





I see in an Aug. 20 article that Starr won a case for his defendant, Meineke Discount Muffler Shops, by using the argument that the case arose from a simple contract dispute and snowballed into a huge lawsuit. If anyone can understand how to recognize a simple issue and have it snowball into something huge, it certainly is Starr.


Los Alamitos


Starr is vindicated. The White House spinners who have attacked Starr are now in dismay as Clinton is demonstrated to be a liar and perjurer.

A letter of mine (Feb. 4) in praise of Starr brought me some abusive and obscene letters and phone calls. I don’t expect any apologies, but there is always hope that these people have the fairness to admit that Starr is a man of honor and that Clinton never was and never will be. Does anyone doubt that Clinton would still be lying to his family, supporters, the American people and even to the grand jury were it not for the sperm-stained dress?




When will the press finally begin to investigate the press? Starr breaks the law by leaking information to “friendly journalists” (his staff’s words); that leaking breaks the law and not a word by anyone. Were you all part of the Starr investigation? Are you independent observers of government or part of government? Who were the “friendly reporters”?

When polls indicate that 74% think that the media are doing a lousy job covering Zippergate, do you not think that your integrity is worth at least an investigation of who compromised their standards in exchange for a scoop? If the public does not know who they can trust, they can trust none of you.


North Hollywood
