
Gingrich Says Lawmakers Should Follow Consciences

<i> From Associated Press</i>

House Speaker Newt Gingrich, trying to stay out of the impeachment spotlight, said Saturday his colleagues and the country as a whole should let their consciences guide them on the president’s fate.

“There should be no pressure,” Gingrich told reporters. “This should be a matter where people really are having to do what they think is best for America.”

Asked his plans on the issue, Gingrich said he had not finished his study of the proceedings and wanted to see the Judiciary Committee’s final report. He spoke after attending the dedication of a duplex built by Habitat for Humanity.


Earlier, he held a “farewell” town hall meeting for his home 6th District before an overflow crowd of some 600 people.

“The calmer we are, the more factual we are, the more we look at the big picture of our children’s country and the future of America, the clearer it will be to every American what the appropriate outcome is,” Gingrich told the crowd.

Gingrich, who decided to resign in the aftermath of the Republicans’ disappointing showing in the November elections, suggested that his move to the sidelines has helped smooth the impeachment proceedings.

“I think that I am a sufficiently vocal and polarizing personality that when I was available, I allowed people to get away from the facts and I allowed people to get away from bearing responsibility,” he said. “If you look at the last 30 days, you had a very quiet period in which facts have become more important again.

“I’m very comfortable with that,” Gingrich said.

He said House members should not be swayed by polls on impeachment.

“The duty of the Congress is to render its judgment based on the facts and based on its understanding of the Constitution,” he said. “That’s how the founding fathers designed the system.”

Speaker-designate Bob Livingston (R-La.) has tapped Rep. Ray Lahood (R-Ill.) to preside over the House impeachment proceedings this week.
