
Starr Wars: We Clarify Any Cases of Mistaken Identity Concerning . . .


California state librarian Kevin Starr, leading chronicler of America’s love affair with the Golden State.

Central Texts: “Americans and the California Dream”: Five volumes of cultural history spanning 100 years, the culmination of a quarter-century of scholarly research. Sixth and final volume in progress.

Price Tag: $107. Publisher’s list price for all five volumes of “Americans and the California Dream.”


Job Titles: Formerly distinguished visiting professor of public policy at Pepperdine University.

Weather Watch: “Nothing is perfect, even weather. The rains of Southern California can be unleashed in blinding sheets.”--”Inventing the Dream,” Page 4.

Observations: “Like Hollywood films of the 1930s, Palm Springs offered ordinary Americans . . . opportunities for gawking and vicarious satisfaction.”--”The Dream Endures,” Page 27.

Web-Sightings: “Where can I find a picture of Monica Lewinsky’s stained dress for Clinton’s testimony?”--Query that pops up when “Kevin Starr” is plugged into Alta Vista search engine on the Internet.


Independent counsel Kenneth Starr, leading chronicler of Oval Office trysts involving Monica Lewinsky. Central Texts: “Starr Report”: 445 pages of illicit presidential sex spanning 18 months of President Clinton’s administration, the culmination of a four-year investigation. Possible impeachment in progress.

Price Tag: $45 million. Taxpayer cost for all four years of independent counsel investigation.


Job Titles: Turned down positions of dean at Pepperdine University law school and founding dean of Pepperdine’s School of Public Policy.

Weather Watch: “. . . Ms. Lewinsky complained to the President about not having seen him for months, and he replied, ‘Every day can’t be sunshine.’ “--Starr Report.

Observations: “In the course of flirting with him, she raised her jacket in the back and showed him the straps of her thong underwear.”--Starr Report.

Web-Sightings: “Where can I find a picture of Monica Lewinsky’s stained dress for Clinton’s testimony?”--Query that pops up when “Kenneth Starr” is plugged into Alta Vista search engine on the Internet.
