


Yasser Arafat and Benjamin Netanyahu are both partially right and partially wrong. I hope the peace process gets on track soon. “Holocaust as Political Weapon in Israel” (Jan. 24) talked about how the Palestinians saw the Zionists as an invasion. I can see that view. The article also talked about the Palestinian state. Yet you never discussed one simple thing--there is already a Palestinian state, Jordan. The country is a majority Palestinian state ruled by a minority through arms.

I remember an interview with a Jordanian Palestinian near the beginning of the intifada. He was asked why the Jordanians didn’t vocally protest in large numbers, in support of their brethren in the occupied territories. His answer was that they knew they’d be shot if they tried.

It’s time for the Palestinians to realize that both the Palestinians and the Jews were treated unfairly by the British. When the British left Palestine they created a Jewish state but left most of the arms and the police in the control of Israel’s enemies. And they created a Palestinian nation, Jordan, controlled by non-Palestinians.



