
The Democrats’ Dream: Dornan


* Re “Now Dornan Wants a Sanchez Rematch,” Feb. 15:

Good for good old B-1 Bob getting back in the congressional race! Surely, it can’t be anything but a win-win proposition for the Democrats.

If Sanchez wins, it will put Dornan out to pasture for sure. If Dornan wins, the Republican Party is sure to be the loser, since many moderate Republicans are very supportive of President Clinton and are getting more and more tired of the right-wing Republicans’ hate politics tactics (Dornan’s specialty) that have been going on in Washington for far too long.

It is really difficult to understand Republican strategy. The continual attacks by independent counsel Kenneth Starr have now sunk to a record new low. Starr’s daily attacks on Clinton’s personal life by leaking “facts” of his investigation show him to be nothing but a Republican attack dog who is out of control and has gone far beyond the pale of common decency.


The fact that Clinton supposedly is easily seduced (a fact alleged, but not yet proven) obviously doesn’t bother most people who see Clinton as a competent president with the best interests of the people in our nation at heart. Furthermore, most people think that Clinton’s personal life should be kept private, as private as the privacy guaranteed each citizen.


Huntington Beach

* I want to protest Dana Parsons’ Feb. 4 column, “The Din Dies--and Silence Speaks Loudly for Dornan.”

I am not a great fan of this man. He is a loudmouth, and I disagree with his politics, which seem to run mostly to criticizing anyone who is not on the far right. However, he did have a legitimate reason for calling for a recount. Now that it is over, I see no reason to rub his nose in it.



* To: Ex-Rep. Dornan:

What part of “no” don’t you understand?


Newport Beach
