
Legislation on Land Transfer Introduced


State Sen. Cathie Wright (R-Simi Valley) has introduced legislation authorizing the state to deed a 57-acre site near Camarillo State Hospital to Ventura County to create programs for the mentally and physically disabled.

Wright, who announced her plans in July, introduced the legislation Tuesday.

The parcel is along Lewis Road and is owned by the state General Services Agency.

The legislation follows the closure of Camarillo State Hospital, and comes as an attempt by Wright to find a site that the county can use to care for local mentally ill and developmentally disabled residents.

The land is outside the hospital grounds, juxtaposed between the Assn. for Retarded Citizens, which has served 850 developmentally disabled clients since 1968, and La Posada, a transitional facility for adults with mental illness.


If approved by the Legislature, there will be no requirement that the county use the land for a mental health facility.

Although the county would very likely need millions of dollars to build a new building on the site to provide new housing or services, county officials believe they could obtain federal funds to build some type of programs facility at the site within about five years.
