
INS Apology for Delays

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I cannot really appreciate the INS apology to the immigrants (July 6). Only last week I was informed that I had to be fingerprinted--again--in connection with my application for a green card, and that this had to be done in Palm Springs, about a 300-mile round trip from Los Angeles. I am lucky--I am 26 years old, drive and have a car that runs (more or less). The day I wasted traveling for a 10-minute procedure was annoying but not critical. What about the elderly and sick who would have a problem making this trip?

I came to the U.S. from Russia--legally--in 1991. I applied for political asylum and was given a hearing and granted legal-resident status in 1995. I have been waiting for a green card ever since. I want to become a citizen. I know that I can make a contribution to this wonderful country.

In the meantime, I graduated from UCLA’s computer school (while earning a living at the same time) and am now looking for a job. The catch is that while I have a determination of my status as a permanent legal resident and am allowed to work, most companies ask to see my green card and, guess what, after seven years in the U.S. I still don’t have one!



Los Angeles
