
Trustees to Discuss Complaints

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They had planned a do-over today, but instead Laguna Beach Unified School District board members will merely discuss complaints about their June 1 meeting.

At that meeting the board reaffirmed its decision to accept 340 students from the nascent Newport Coast development, rather than let them go to Newport-Mesa Unified district schools.

But Ellen Harris, past president of the El Morro School Parent-Teachers Assn., alleged the board violated the open-meetings law with that decision.


She said trustees failed to give proper notice of the meeting to local newspapers, and discussed items not on the agenda.

Board member Steven Rabago said he and his colleagues are convinced there was no violation of the state open-meetings law.

He said the June 1 meeting was scheduled and discussed during public meetings the week before, and that notices were faxed over the weekend to the papers.


He also said the board didn’t violate the law because it only discussed--but did not vote on--the item she questioned.

Some residents opposed the Newport Coast plan because they believe the additional students will tax the district’s already crowded schools.

Board members had planned to re-create their June 1 meeting, Rabago said.

They reconsidered, though, and now will simply discuss Harris’ allegations.

The meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. at district headquarters, 550 Blumont St.
