
As Usual, Angel Fans Are Expecting the Worst

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I hate to say it, but I think the Angels need to get involved in another fight. Fortunately, the Royals are coming up on the schedule. Maybe this would wake them up.




In Ross Newhan’s July 19 article, “Angels’ Equation Needs Pitching to Add Up,” he provides a litany of scenarios that must occur if the Angels are to remain in the hunt for the AL West title. Unfortunately, Newhan disregards the team’s current play, and (dare I say it), their history of collapse after the annual All-Star game. This year appears to be no different.

The insistence on staying with the likes of Cecil Fielder (weak bat, no apparent glove) and Dave Hollins (throwing arm a combination of Steve Sax and Butch Hobson), provides some insight as to why 1998 will be another of the same from the Angels.


The recent “freak” accident to Chuck Finley in last Saturday night’s game vs. the Orioles continues to reinforce the dark cloud hovering over this franchise.

I remain committed to staying with the club as a die-hard fan. My heart aches for intervention, divine or otherwise, to keep this team competitive. However, Newhan’s grocery list of hypotheticals simply highlights how far the Angels are from the promised land.


