
Property Act Would End Local Control


Beware of the proposed Private Property Rights Implementation Act (“A Rallying Cry,” Personal Finance, May 31). Not only would it protect property owners who have lost all right to develop their land, but it would also substantially undo zoning and planning laws.

This law is being promoted by the National Assn. of Home Builders. These developers buy land zoned for agriculture or other low-density uses and then object when they cannot obtain zone changes for high-density commercial and multiunit residential developments. While pointing to some very extreme cases where a long-term owner has indeed been wronged, the real goal of the NAHB is to eliminate any local control, including zoning laws, over the use of land. Then they will be able to ignore the impacts of their developments on traffic, schools, sewers, water supplies, air quality and, most important, the values of neighboring properties.


Oak Park
