
Acquaintances Tied Knot; Now It’s Official

<i> From Associated Press</i>

The anthropology student who selected his bride in an application process and the woman who won after spending just a few hours with him are making their marriage official.

David Weinlick and Elizabeth Runze, both 28, tied the knot last week at the Mall of America in Bloomington, but they had yet to apply for a marriage license to make the union legally binding.

The suspense ended Wednesday when the two filled out their application. With a five-day waiting period, they expect their marriage to be official early next week.


“It’s absolutely wonderful. I must say we’re very happy,” Weinlick said.

Four years ago, Weinlick said he grew tired of being asked when he was going to get married, so he came up with a stock answer: June 13, 1998.

With the deadline upon him Saturday, friends and relatives interviewed the candidates, who learned of the marriage proposal from the Internet and media coverage. About two dozen candidates were interviewed.

Weinlick met Runze the previous Monday, when she picked up a candidate survey from him. They talked further the next day, when she returned with a completed survey that asked about her career goals and hobbies.
