
Island Alternative

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Regarding “Everyone Loves Capri” (May 31): The front page photo of Capri showed a nice picture of the island of Ischia in the background. I have toured the Napoli area on three occasions and have enjoyed the beauty of Capri. As exciting as Capri is, I have enjoyed Ischia equally as much.

More Europeans seem to visit Ischia while more Americans tour Capri. Ischia is larger and has many quaint towns throughout the island. The wine from the town of Panza in Ischia is as good as any you will find in Italy.

Also, if anyone is looking for lodging to visit Capri, I suggest staying in Ischia. The morning boat ride to Capri takes about one hour. Visitors can tour the sites of Capri and catch the evening boat back.


And when back in the U.S., Capri and Ischia tourists may want to talk to the many San Pedro fishermen’s families from Ischia about having visited their birthplace.


San Pedro
