
The Disappearing Alphabet

Wilbur was U.S. poet laureate in 1987

If the the alphabet began to disappear,

Some words would soon look raggedy and queer


While others would entirely fade away.

And since it is by words that we construe

The world, the world would start to vanish too . . .

What if there were no letter A?

Cows would eat HY instead of HAY.

What’s HY? It’s an unheard-of diet,

And cows are happy not to try it.

In the word DUMB the letter B is mute,

But elsewhere its importance is acute.

If it were absent, say, from BAT and BALL,

There’d be no big or little leagues at all.

If there were no such thing as C,

Whole symphonies would be off-key,

And under every nut tree you’d

See HIPMUNKS gathering winter food.

If D did not exist, some creatures might

Wish, like the dodo bird, to fade from sight.

For instance, any self-respecting DUCK

Would rather be extinct than be an UCK.

The lordly ELEPHANT is one whom we

Would have no name for if there were no E,

And how it would offend him were we to

Greet him as “Bud,” or “Big Boy,” or “Hey, you!”

The ELEPHANT is thick-skinned, but I’ll bet

That that’s a thing he never would forget.

Hail, letter F! If it were not for you,

Our raincoats would be merely WATERPROO,

And that is such a stupid word, I doubt

That it would help to keep the water out.

If G did not exist, the color GREEN

Would have to vanish from the rural scene.

Would oak trees, then, be blue, and pastures pink?

We would turn green at such a sight, I think.

An H can be too scared to speak, almost.

In gloomy words like GHASTLY, GHOUL, and GHOST,

The sound of H can simply not be heard.

But how it loves to say a cheerful word



Without the letter I, there’d be

No word for your IDENTITY,

And so you’d find it very tough

To tell yourself from other stuff.

Sometimes, perhaps, you’d think yourself

A jam jar on the pantry shelf.

Sometimes you’d make a ticking sound

And slowly move your hands around.

Sometimes you’d lie down like a rug,

Expecting to be vacuumed. Ugh!

Surely, my friends, you now see why

We need to keep the letter I.

If, all at once, there were no letter J,

A cloud of big blue birds might fly away,

And though they’d been an angry, raucous crew,

I think that I would miss them, wouldn’t you?

Is K unnecessary? “Heavens, no!

It’s in my name!” exclaims the ESKIMO.

“And if there were no K, my little craft,

The KAYAK, would be scuttled fore and aft.”

It would be bitter, if there were no L,

To bid the LEMON or the LOON farewell,

And if the LLAMA, with its two-L name,

Should leave us, it would be a double shame,

But certainly it would be triply sad

If LOLLIPOPS no longer could be had.

M is a letter, but it alternates

As a Roman numeral often found in dates.

If M should vanish, we would lose, my dears,

MINCE PIE, MARSHMALLOWS, and a thousand years.

No N? In such a state of things,

Birds would have WIGS instead of WINGS,

And though a wig might suit the owl,

Who is a staid and judgelike fowl,

Most birds would rather fly than wear

A mat of artificial hair.

What would our proud bald eagle say

If he were offered a toupee?

I think it would be better, then,

For us to keep the letter N.

What if there were no letter O?

You couldn’t COME, you couldn’t GO,

You couldn’t ROVE, you couldn’t ROAM,

And yet you couldn’t stay at HOME!

Where would you be had heaven not sent you

The letter O to orient you?

How strange that the banana’s slippery PEEL,

Without its P, would be a slippery EEL!

It makes you think! However, it is not

Profound enough to think about a lot.

What if the letter Q should be destroyed?

Millions of U’s would then be unemployed.

For Q and U belong like tick and tock,

Except, of course, in places like IRAQ.

What if there were no R? Your boat, I fear,

Would have no RUDDER, and so you couldn’t steer.

How helplessly you’d drift then, and be borne

Through churning seas, and swept around the Horn!

But happily you couldn’t come to grief

On ROCKS, or run aground upon a REEF.

What if the letter S were missing?

COBRAS would have no way of hissing,

And all their kin would have to take

The name of ERPENT or of NAKE.

At breakfast time the useful letter T

Preserves us all from eating SHREDDED WHEA.

Without the letter U you couldn’t say,

“I think I’d like to visit URUGUAY,”

And so you’d stay forever in North Platte,

New Paltz, or Scranton, or some place like that.

Were there no V, would geese still fly

In V FORMATION in the sky,

Calling it something else instead,

Like “angle,” “wedge,” or “arrowhead”?

Perhaps. Or they might take the shape

Of smoke rings or of ticker tape,

Or spell out words like HERE WE GO

Or NUTS TO YOU. You never know.

What if there were no letter W?

The WEREWOLF would no longer trouble you,

And you’d be free of many evils


But then there’d be (alas!) no sweet

WATERMELONS for you to eat.

The letter X will never disappear:

The more you cross it out, the more it’s here.

But if it vanished, treasure maps would not

Have anything with which to mark the spot,

And treasure isles would ring with the despair

Of puzzled pirates digging everywhere.

Lacking the letter Y, I guess

We’d have no way of saying YES,

Or even saying MAYBE, and so

There’d be no answer left but NO.

How horrible! Who wants to live

A life so very negative,

Refusing presents, RASPBERRY ice,

Fudge cake, and everything that’s nice?

Because they’re always BUZZING, honeybees

Could not be with us if there were no Zs,

And many Zs are needed, furthermore,

When people feel the need to SNOOZE and snore.

Long live the Z, then! Not for any money

Would I give up such things as sleep and honey.

Good heavens! It would be an awful mess

If everything dissolved to nothingness!

Be careful then, my friends, and do not let

Anything happen to the alphabet.


Copyright Richard Wilbur

* Wilbur was U.S. poet laureate in 1987. This poem originally appeared in Atlantic Monthly. It will be published as a children’s book later this year by Harcourt Brace with illustrations by David Diaz.

With illustration by STEVE TURK, for the times
