
He Just Doesn’t Get Column About Peete


In J.A. Adande’s March 12 column on Calvin Peete, Mr. Adande identifies six of his boyhood sports heroes and all were African American. “Golf? Not even an option.”

As a young golfer, I was a fan of many golfers, including Arnold Palmer (Euro American), Bob Rosburg (Jewish American) and Charlie Sifford (African American). I never thought to ration my heroes based on race. Jump forward 25 years, and my sons worshiped at the basketball temple of Magic and Michael. For the record, my family is Protestant, Euro American.

Why is it a given in our society that a black youngster can only identify and idolize an athlete of the same skin color? What about character, charisma and class?


I just don’t get it.


Van Nuys
