
A Latina’s Pride in Lalo Guerrero

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I have always enjoyed reading articles by Michael Quintanilla. The profile he wrote on Lalo Guerrero was especially inspiring (“The Musique Man,” March 11).

Quintanilla’s writing style is the kind that reminds you that writing is an art, and good writing is a delightful experience for those of us who enjoy reading for pleasure.

When I finished Lalo Guerrero’s story, I felt I had actually traveled with him and his sons to Paris and could feel the festive mood his music created, as well as the deep pride Lalo, Dan and Mark Guerrero experienced at the enthusiastic reception Lalo’s music received so far away from home.


As a Latina, I am very proud of Lalo Guerrero, and letting the Los Angeles Times readership know him and appreciate his contributions in the music world is very important.


Mexican Cultural Institute

Los Angeles
