
Her Trip to France Was Just the Ticket


I have been the ultimate dieter. From the time I was in grammar school, I have had a serious weight problem. I still vividly remember other children making fun of me because of my weight.

I have tried every diet known to woman. I have watched my weight go up and down with swings as great as 50 pounds. Before I finally changed my lifestyle, I had virtually given up losing weight and came to accept my being overweight, even though I knew it was extremely unhealthy for me. I was also at an age where weight was not quite as great a social issue.

All this changed when my husband and I took a three-week trip to France with the Berkeley Travel With Scholars Program. We ate as a group most of the time, including some exquisite seven-course meals. The catch was having fabulous flavor but small servings. The other lifestyle changes were walking a lot every day, never eating between meals and eating only sitting down at a table.


France was marvelous, but what was even more exciting for me was coming home and getting on the scale and finding I had lost 5 pounds. This gave me the inspiration to reflect on what had happened. I thought a great deal about how satisfied I had been in France--never feeling hungry but never being “stuffed.” I also enjoyed all the walking and found my body felt stronger and generally healthier.

This gave me a wake-up call to just continue this easy way to lose weight while still enjoying food and life. I continued my new “France lifestyle,” and the more time that has gone by, the more natural it feels to me.

I exercise at least three times a week by either using my exercise bike for 30 minutes or fast walking for an hour. This also has resulted in stress reduction--what a bonus.

A most satisfying experience was going to my 40th high school reunion recently and having the people in the “inner circle” tell me how great I look. I have been living my new lifestyle for over two years now, and I am sure this is the way I will live the rest of my life.


Vital Stats

Janet Jack

Age: 58

Occupation: Nurse

Height: 5 feet, 4 inches

Old Weight: 220

New Weight: 135

Time to Get There: 18 months

Share Your Story

Losing weight is as individual as gaining weight. Do you have a story on how you got in shape and stayed there? If so, we’d like to hear from you with a 500-word essay listing what worked in terms of diet, exercise, encouragement / support as well as your emotional and physical changes.

We’d also like you to send us full-body color photos of you, before and after.

Send essay and photos to “How I Did It,” Health, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053, and include daytime and evening phone numbers. No phone calls, please. Submissions cannot be returned.


In addition to publication, winners will receive a Los Angeles Times gym bag and a gift certificate for a free pair of athletic shoes of your choice, redeemable at any Big 5 Sporting Goods store.
