
Governor Debate


I want to thank The Times for sponsoring the May 13 governor candidates’ forum. The only problem was there was not enough time for more questions. I especially thought the opening question regarding merit pay for teachers set the tone that it was going to be difficult to duck the direct questions with high-priced television commercials.

I support Dan Lungren’s idea for Lincoln-Douglas-style debates across the state.



* I thought the questions were fair and as the debate progressed, it became apparent to me that one candidate, although sincere, just did not have the experience or knowledge required to lead our state into the coming century. I felt that Gray Davis and Lungren were both honest in their answers to your questions and although on different sides of the aisle on some issues, I had to respect both for their points of view.

Jane Harman, I felt, was trying to appeal to the women’s vote and to me this is outdated politics. I feel that we should judge candidates by their values, ethics, experience and leadership qualities.


I look forward to having more debates all up and down the state after the June 2 election.



* As an apolitical observer of the debate, it was curious that three fed at the public trough for an embarrassing length of time, totaling some 60 years. Directly involved in the exclusive arena of politics, purposely they keep isolated from the madding crowd and the real world.

The fourth candidate [Al Checchi], a non-politician, was roundly ostracized by the others for citing their personal and political deficiencies. Their records exemplified that politics is the conduct of public affairs for private advantage; yet, they had the gall to criticize the fourth for using personal resources gained as an entrepreneur to conduct his campaign.


San Diego

* Perhaps The Times should read the California Voter Information Guide before it sponsors another so-called candidates forum. You might discover that there are other contestants in the race. Indeed, it is hard to overlook that fact in the race for governor: The first candidate listed is Steve W. Kubby of the Libertarian Party. In addition to the Libertarian candidate, there are five Republicans, six Democrats, two Peace and Freedoms, an American Independent, a Natural Law and a Green.

Out these 17 candidates, you showcased only four. This forum brought little new insight into their positions.

If The Times had truly been interested in promoting an informed electorate, then a forum of the other candidates would have far better served that end.



* I would like to offer my congratulations to you for bringing us, finally, a meaningful debate between the major candidates for governor. Thank you for allowing them to focus on the issues and answer direct questions. I have made my decision about whom to vote for: I will cast my vote for [Times columnist] George Skelton.



Woodland Hills
