
New Kitsch for Vegas


Question from Oct. 18: La$ Vega$ is now home to the super costly Bellagio hotel. What other attractions could the capital of good taste use?

“With the Liberace Museum, it’s hard to see how Las Vegas could improve.”

--RAYMOND BATES, Marina del Rey

“The Greyhound Bus Memorial for all the people who arrived in Las Vegas in expensive cars and returned home in luxury Greyhounds.”

--T.C. CIRILLO, Seal Beach

“The Towering Inferno Hotel. Guests look out their windows to watch the flames, while smoke creeps under their doors. Room service provided by suited-up firemen.”


--BRIAN SIMLER, Bakersfield

“How about a splashy hotel, reflecting the current status of Washington, D.C., called The Sexagon. The entrance would feature the likeness of Bill Clinton surrounded by the heads of Kenneth Starr, Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones and Linda Tripp. Sort of like Mt. Rushmore, only tasteless and tacky.”

--SHARON KARP, Los Angeles

“A huge casino called The Morgue, with lifelike replicas of all the gangland shootings in Las Vegas’ history, starring Bugsy Siegel.”

--WALT HOPMANS, Santa Barbara


“The one thing Las Vegas could use immediately is guardrails and electrified fences for the sidewalks! Too many pedestrians spill into the streets, making it a very difficult city to drive in.”


Lake Forest


The question for Nov. 10:

What advice would you give Mike Tyson’s first opponent?

Send replies of 25 words or fewer to Smart Aleck, in care of Southern California Living, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053, or e-mail to Include your name and hometown. Answers appear on Tuesday. Don’t be bashful.
