
Jordan’s Hassan

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* Enjoyed the Nov. 2 article on Prince Hassan of Jordan. I was a principal in a major development project for the Arab Potash Co. at the south end of the Dead Sea in the ‘70s and ‘80s. Hassan was a major promoter of the project, and it has been a successful project for the government and people of Jordan.

The drive from Amman to our job site is about three hours. On an announced visit, it took Hassan three days to get to us at the job site. As it turned out, he was late because his entourage was stopped by the locals all along the way.

So, I don’t know if Hassan will have such a difficult time ascending to power as your article implies. In addition to the respect of the local population, he has sponsored and has been actively involved in major infrastructure projects (water, chemicals, etc.) within Jordan.


I agree, if King Hussein passes, Hassan will have big shoes to fill. But based on personal contact and the work Hassan has quietly accomplished in Jordan, my impression is that he will probably pick up where Hussein left off with the full support of the Jordanians.


Dana Point
