
The Buzz on Energy-Savers Is on the Web


Let your Web site do the walking.

If you’re in the market for a new home appliance, computer or TV set and don’t want an energy hog, there’s a Web site that can help you:

It’s sponsored by the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, which hope to train American consumers to look for the Energy Star label.

The label, which is voluntary for manufacturers, helps shoppers identify the most energy-efficient home appliances on the market. It’s a blue and green globe with a gold star, indicating a product that exceeds existing federal efficiency standards by, typically, 13% to 15%. For some appliances, the savings is even higher.


On the Web site, you’ll find lists of Energy Star-qualified products in 27 appliance categories, large and small. And you can use the “store finder” link to locate the retail stores in your area that carry Energy Star products.
