
Voter Fraud and Democrats


* I read, with interest, your article about the investigation of possible voter registration fraud by employees of the California Voter Registration Project and the Assembly Democrats Statewide Voter Registration Project (Oct. 14). One very important fact was not mentioned: It was the Democratic Caucus in the Assembly that asked for the investigation two months ago, after our own internal verification process identified the possible wrongdoing by employees of those private firms that had been contracted to implement voter registration. It was our representatives who gave the registrar’s office the names of those people we suspected had turned in bad cards. Then, our representative met with the district attorney to encourage the investigation and prosecution.

The Assembly Democrats Statewide Voter Registration Project was conceived and organized to further participation in our democratic system, and those of us who support the project are very angry at the idea that some of the people associated with it might have attempted to subvert the voting process for their own personal gain.


Assembly Speaker Pro Tem

D-Santa Monica

* What a surprise--another voter fraud by the Democratic Party! The recent frauds in L.A. and Orange counties have barely been swept under the rug when we get another.


Over the past few years the Democratic Party has pushed for and received legislation that makes it easy for lazy and irresponsible people to register and vote. As we make it easier and easier to register and vote, we also make it easier to commit frauds. I personally know many people of both parties who always vote by absentee ballot when there is no legitimate reason for it. This is another open door to fraud. Voting is a responsibility and should be done by people who are responsible enough to put out some effort.


Big Bear Lake
