
Smart Aleck


Question from Oct. 11: We’re antzy to make a movie. We’re liking the title “Dawgz.” Who or what should it be about?

How about our current commander-in-chief?

Raymond Tam, Glendale


“Dawgz” should be about the erosion of spelling in Amerika.

Joyce and Dwight Cates, Ventura


A computer whiz/show dog experiences the trials and tribulations of becoming one of the top 10 show dogs of Dogllywood, California.

Odessa Cleveland, Canoga Park


A full-length feature based on the hit TV series: “Barky the Vampire Sniffer.”

Amy Chonghasawat, Alhambra


“Dawgz” tells the life story of Oscar, a very short man who becomes a food tycoon by marketing frankfurters in a tube-shaped car.


Marc Kessler, Hollywood


Your movie should be about anything BUT dogs (or any other animal). You can always tell when studios are low on ideas, because they make movies starring or co-starring animals. Waste of celluloid.

Chris Sellers, Studio City
