
Prop. 10


After reading your Oct. 28 editorial urging voters to support Prop. 10, I feel compelled to offer an opposing view. I’m a social studies teacher. My students learn the following economic axiom: When the marginal expectation of benefit exceeds the marginal expectation of cost, the event will take place. Since the demand for an addictive substance is relatively fixed or inelastic, an increase in price will have little or no effect on consumption. Experience has shown that black-market sales rise dramatically in those areas that use price in an attempt to drive down consumption.

If we pass Prop. 10, history dictates that we can count on an increase in illegal cigarette sales, a corresponding decrease in legitimate and taxed sales and a resulting drop in tax revenue, compounded by rising enforcement costs and little or no effect on consumption. Prop. 10 is well-intended but ignorantly conceived. I vote no.


