
Soft Focus

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“Sometimes I’ll make myself up like a china doll with red lips, or I’ll do smoky eyes that make me feel sexy. Makeup is good in that way. It gives you the ability to play different characters.”

--Kimberly Michelle Campbell, Bar Marmont

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Sept. 20, 1998 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday September 20, 1998 Home Edition Los Angeles Times Magazine Page 4 Times Magazine Desk 1 inches; 27 words Type of Material: Correction
The caption for a photograph in the table of contents for Sept. 6 (Fall Beauty, “Soft Focus”) was inadvertently omitted. The photograph is of Kyra Green, a waitress at Les Deux Cafes in Hollywood.


“Every day, I put on M.A.C lipstick in “Film Noir” and black liquid eyeliner. I feel comfortable with these colors because I know they go with my complexion, my clothes and my style. Once I tried a cheap lipstick that looked dark brown in the tube, but it ended up staining my lips this horrible

fluorescent, orangey yellow that lasted two days. Now I stick with what I know works.”

--Kishani Perera, Sushi Roku


“Although I do pay attention to fashion, I normally don’t follow trends. I’ve been wearing earthy browns for a few years, but with all of the gray in clothing and makeup this season, I’ve found myself adding a little gray eye shadow into my routine. I think it really suits me.”


--Jessica Robertson, Chan Dara


“When I first started wearing makeup, I went overboard. I wore bright red lipstick and heavy black eyeliner. Now I like to look natural yet sexy. I wear basic makeup, with mostly earth tones and plums, nothing trendy. I could get along fine with just a great mascara.”

--Kristal Clark, The Shark Bar Restaurant


“My aunt introduced me to makeup when I was about 12. She made sure each new

product came with a lesson on how to put it on properly. My

favorite item is an electric-blue eye shadow that she gave me. It’s the best color and, of course, it’s not available anymore. I don’t know what I’m going to do when it runs out.”

--Ana Medina, Indochine


” I like walking into my bathroom and seeing all of my lipsticks, liners and mascaras lined up on their shelf. But I’ve always hated wearing what I consider makeup--foundation, powder and eye shadow.


That all changed once I had a lesson at Fred Segal and learned how to wear them properly.”

--Celest Gilbert, L’Ermitage and Fenix at The Argyle


Produced by Jill Barrett; makeup: Bethany Karlyn for Stila Cosmetics/Heller Artists; hair: Carla Gentile/Doyle Wilson Salon, Los Angeles; hair colorist: Michael Canale/Canale Salon, Beverly Hills; stylists: Donna Casey and Tricia Cruikshank/Profile; manicurist: Nora Daly; location: Les Deux Cafes, Hollywood; jewelry: Me + Ro
