
It Was a Very Good First Year

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Michelle Williams is the Health / Life & Style editor

Dear Readers:

Happy birthday to Health

Happy birthday to Health

Happy birthday to Heaaaa-elth

Happy birthday to Health

Yes, it’s been one year and I’d like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for your support. In the coming year, we promise to give you even more health and fitness news with the expansion of the Health staff, to be headed by veteran health journalist David Olmos. A former editor and most recently a health reporter in The Times’ Business section, David takes over with this issue.

In today’s section--and throughout the month--the focus is on pregnancy. Times Health writer Shari Roan took on the added job of “Destination: Delivery” editor. The stories and graphics are must-reads if you are planning a pregnancy, are pregnant or know anyone who is in the planning stage or already there. (We’ll follow up in October with stories devoted to Baby’s First Year.)

Later this month, we’ll introduce a men’s health column by Kristl Buluran, MPH. “The Healthy Man” will debut Sept. 14 and will run on alternate Mondays. And on Sept. 28, we’ll give you another special section, this one devoted to Open Enrollment.


Last month I wrote that I had taken up running and was seriously considering the 1999 Los Angeles Marathon. Two days after the column ran, I came home to a phone message from my orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Steven Shimoyama, who four years ago did some extremely extensive surgery on my knee. I’m paraphrasing, but the gist of his message was: ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR EVER-LOVING MIND?

It’s nice to know that Health is so well-read.

Again, thanks for a great first year.

