
New Money Make-Over Features

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Beginning this fall, The Times will publish two new kinds of Money Make-Over columns, which will rotate with the general financial make-overs such as the one that appears today.

One type will focus on specific matters having to do with investing and personal finance, such as making 401(k) choices, creating or changing an estate plan and choosing life insurance.

Another type will explore readers’ first-person experiences with investing and personal finance issues that teach an important lesson. Readers are invited to submit summaries of their experiences, such as choosing stocks and mutual funds and forming strategies for changing their spending habits.


To be considered for inclusion in any Money Make-Over feature, send your name, age, phone number, income, assets and financial goals to Money Make-Over, Business Section, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053. We regret that we cannot respond to all inquiries.
