
Bicycling and Gas Prices


Regarding Richard Anderson’s warning of rising gas prices (Commentary, April 8), I am certainly not whining. As a 20-year-old without a driver’s permit, let alone license, I have two thoughts on the issue. On the one hand, I feel saddened for all my friends who have created lifestyles based on massive driving. On the other hand, I am tempted to feel smug that I can get most anywhere I need for daily life by bicycle and plan to continue this at least until my 25th birthday.

I’ve bicycled to work in a suit and tie; I’ve ridden safely in pouring rain. I never worry about car insurance or finding parking, and I get a good workout without paying gym fees. The only thing that puzzles me about rising gas prices is why everyone else isn’t bicycling.




It really bugs me when I have to inch my car out of a parking space, trying to avoid knocking off the side mirror and incurring other sundry scrapes and dents, when one of those monster sport utility vehicles has parked next to me. Oh well, with the price of gas these days, the owners of those behemoths are getting their comeuppance.



Los Angeles


A single question for Nick Statman (letter, April 4). If the oil companies enjoy such collusive monopolistic power, why did they have to wait for an OPEC action before raising their prices?


Corona del Mar


This is a suggestion on how to lower gasoline prices. If all car owners would select one week per month when they only drive their car when it’s absolutely necessary, no pleasure driving, we would back up the supply of gasoline in the delivery system and force the oil companies into lowering prices to sell supplies.

Let’s work together so we can all enjoy lower prices at the pump.


