
Girl’s Remains to Get Escort on Final Journey

Associated Press

Carole Carrington said she will accompany the remains of Silvina Pelosso to Argentina once the FBI completes forensic testing.

Carrington, whose daughter and granddaughter were killed along with Silvina during a trip to Yosemite National Park, will be joined on the trip by FBI Chaplain Mark O’Sullivan.

Arrangements have already been made to pay for Silvina’s remains to be returned on a commercial flight. But investigators are still uncertain when the remains will be cleared for release.


Carole Carrington said she will be ready at a moment’s notice.

“We just don’t know. We hope to hear something by the end of the week,” she said Tuesday before leaving Modesto to return home to the Eureka ranch she shares with her husband, Francis.

“This is something I want to do,” she said. “That’s why we needed to go home. I’ve got some things to do to get ready.”
