
GOP Leaders Lose the Voters’ Respect


* Your April 18 editorial regarding Scott Baugh and the 67th Assembly District brought to mind a distinct point as to the hypocrisy of our Republican leaders and the voters of the district.

Doris Allen was recalled by the voters of the district because she worked with Democrats to become Assembly speaker.

Baugh, now the Assembly Republican leader, has developed a reputation for working with Democrats in order to effect policy change.


When Allen was being recalled, the leaders of the Republican Party proudly boasted that Assembly Republicans should have nothing to do with the Assembly Democrats, since at the time the Republicans held the majority.

At present, I have not heard anything from these same leaders calling for the recall of Baugh. Nor have I heard any outrage from the voters in the 67th Assembly District about Baugh betraying his party by being in bed with the Democrats.

Instead, we hear praise and compliments about consensus-building and teamwork.

It is abundantly clear to this Republican that many of my fellow voters and leaders have selective ideology and passion.

I would have more respect for these same individuals if they would demonstrate just a little consistency in their beliefs and actions.

But then, I guess that’s why we are the minority party in California.


