
The Six-Tooth Gourmet


It was Sunday, and we were too worn out from the weekend to get through dinner at a restaurant with our two young children and, of course, way too tired to cook. Plus, our meal needed to be something a person with only six teeth could eat! I opened the fridge and freezer and made this soup while open-face Muenster and chutney sandwiches broiled.

Put a 12-ounce package of frozen pureed squash, 1 cup of mashed potato flakes, 1 cup frozen chopped onions, 3 to 4 cups water, 2 vegetable bouillon cubes and freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder to taste in a large pot and bring it to a boil. When the squash melts, serve and eat. For a smoother texture, puree in the pot with an immersion blender. Sage or dill would have been a good addition, but we didn’t have any on hand, and I’d have added some chili sauce were it not for the baby.

The baby loved the soup. It also made a good lunch for her on Monday. Cheese and crackers could easily be substituted for the broiled sandwiches.


PAT SMITH, San Juan Capistrano
