
Traveler’s Note . . .


Delta Airlines had the highest number of involuntarily bumped passengers (8,144) among U.S. carriers in the first three months of 1999--almost four times as many as second-worst United--according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. A Delta spokesman blamed heavy passenger loads, bad weather and other factors, but also said new software is planned to decrease overbooking. . . . The California condors that have been reintroduced to the wild are getting a little too friendly at the Grand Canyon, swooping into parking lots and fishing camps in search of handouts. So authorities said they plan to close outlook points and trails whenever the birds come into view, requiring people to stay at least 300 feet away. In March, a man shot and killed a 4-year-old female condor that had gotten too close to his campsite. . . . For the fourth year in a row, Smithsonian art museums on the south side of the National Mall in Washington, D.C., will stay open every Thursday night through Sept. 6 for the “Art Night on the Mall” series of free programs. Tel. (202) 357-4320.
