
Colorado May Allow Lawsuits on the Net

Associated Press

Colorado has signed an agreement that could make it the first state in the nation to let lawyers file lawsuits over the Internet. The state signed a deal with a Texas company, JusticeLink, last week to phase in electronic filing in district courts statewide. Officials say that by the end of next year, if all goes well, lawyers will be able to push a button on their computer terminals to make filings from their offices, while judges will have the option of e-mailing orders and decisions instantaneously from their chambers. Electronic filing is available in some counties across the country, but not in any entire state, said Bob Roper of the Colorado Judicial Department. The voluntary system will start in November. Under the system, attorneys can sign up with JusticeLink and pay 10 cents a page to make filings over the Net. The company will process the filing, then notify the courthouse in Colorado through the Internet.
