
WTO Protests


There is a strong sense of irony in President Clinton’s words delivered during his speech to the World Trade Organization summit (Dec. 2). Clinton commented on the protests in his speech and made a clear distinction between protesters who destroy property and those protesters who came to voice their opposition to the WTO. He “welcomed” protesters who conducted demonstrations in a peaceful manner. President Clinton, however, must be unaware that Seattle’s officials have opted to deal with the peaceful demonstrations with rubber bullets, tear gas and pepper spray. City police and state police agencies, dressed in full riot gear, have imposed a nighttime curfew and a 50-square-block no-protest zone in downtown Seattle, which has resulted in hundreds of arrests.

With an international community watching, the nation that is supposed to stand for democratic ideals seems much more reminiscent of a police state.




There may be valid criticisms concerning the World Trade Organization, but the self-indulgent, irresponsible criminal activities of some of the demonstrators are inexcusable. Martin Luther King’s civil disobedience was a nonadherence to the very racist laws being challenged. The Seattle demonstrators, on the other hand, violated valid laws against vandalism, looting and traffic disruption. Their fascistic behavior should be severely dealt with by law enforcement and the justice system.



Woodland Hills


In your Dec. 2 editorial, “A Failure to Communicate,” the implication is that the people who are demonstrating in Seattle are doing so because “the World Trade Organization is widely misunderstood.” I think you have it backward. The people who are demonstrating in Seattle are doing so because they do understand what the WTO is all about.


Los Angeles


It looks like your cartoonist, Michael Ramirez, would prefer a docile, obedient society of people not wanting to be educated about the impacts of free trade (Dec. 2). I wonder if Ramirez would have considered Teddy Roosevelt an “environmental wacko,” and if he knows that a lot of his right-wing ideological buddies are also opposed to the WTO’s undemocratic influence over free trade issues? Or if he considers a few busted windows at a Starbuck’s the equivalent of the havoc in people’s lives the world over wreaked by free trade (notwithstanding the fact that the vast majority of Seattle protesters were nonviolent)?


Los Angeles


U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky is wrong. The protesters in Seattle do represent the views of the people of the United States (Dec. 1).


Eagle Rock


The WTO riots show how easily the unwashed can be brainwashed via the Internet.


La Verne


OK, that’s it! Seattle definitely needs to be put on caffeine restriction!


