
U.S. Sends Aid to Venezuela

Associated Press

Relief drew closer for thousands of thirsty mudslide survivors in Venezuela on Thursday when the United States sent in a huge airplane with machines that can purify water from the ocean and contaminated rivers.

The C-5 Galaxy, the largest airplane made in the United States, arrived from Puerto Rico with two machines that can purify more than 3,100 gallons of water an hour, as well as seawater at a slower rate.

“They are responding to the No. 1 necessity of Venezuela during this crisis, which is potable water,” said John Maisto, the U.S. ambassador to Venezuela. “This is the best technology we’ve got.”


Also Thursday, President Clinton ordered the Defense Department to use $20 million in resources for the recovery effort.

The White House said the money, which follows $5.5 million Washington already has committed to Venezuela, would help pay for the U.S. military’s search-and-rescue operations as well as its airlift of food, shelter and medicine.

Official estimates put the death toll in Venezuela after last week’s flooding and mudslides at between 5,000 and 30,000 people.
