
U.S. Role in Kosovo

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Re “Cloud of Controversy Obscures Truth About Kosovo Killings,” Jan. 23: Since U.S. diplomat William Walker prematurely accused the Serbian government of war crimes following the discovery of killed and/or executed Albanians in Racak, Kosovo, bombing threats resumed, notwithstanding the fact that the Albanians were the ones to renew the fighting. State Department officials say that NATO has no leverage against the Kosovo “freedom fighters.”

Only this time, the world community and our closest allies, Britain and France, displayed more ardor in searching for the truth. New evidence indicates that a gruesome ploy to stage a massacre scene took place in Racak, from what in fact was retaliation against the Kosovo Liberation Army for previous killings, in order to win world sympathy and provoke military intervention. As usual, our top brass tout guns (48-hour “readiness”), while the State Department and “politically correct” U.S. media are the last to admit foul play by Albanian terrorists in Kosovo.


Long Beach


I am in complete agreement with Harry Summers (Commentary, Jan. 27), and I wish the editorial board of The Times was as well. He “told it like it is” and it must be said, time and time again: The U.S. has no role in Kosovo. Unfortunately, we may be witnessing the rebirth of the folly that led to the Great War. Politicians (not leaders) could not bring themselves to change course and avoid a war that need not be fought. What will our neighbors to the north think when we support separatist movements in Quebec? Et tu?



