
Lack of Support Burdens Charity


* I read with great interest the Feb. 7 editorial, “Two Ways to Boost Charity.”

I’ve been a member and have served on the board of Parents Without Partners Inc., a nonprofit organization for single parents and their children, over the past three years.

This is an organization run solely by the volunteer efforts of its single-parent members. They are all giving what they can to make a better life for themselves and their children.

This organization brings in professionals from various fields to educate, direct and offer moral support. Four times a year conferences are offered to its members so they may be trained on how to be a better and happier single parent.


This organization depends solely on donations. We apply for grants whenever possible, but unfortunately, they seem to be offered to the “other” organizations. We have the 501-3-C status through the state, we have all our i’s dotted and t’s crossed.

We participate in other organizations’ walkathons and blood drives. We give to others because we understand the importance of it.

As affluent as Orange County is, I too was disillusioned by the lack of support in our community. The cost of hotel space to hold our conferences is enormous. Quality speakers are expensive, although we do find some that graciously donate their time.


Laguna Hills
