
Owning Firearms

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* I am sorry that Alex Ferguson has been accosted by a criminal with a gun (letter, Feb. 8). However, despite his comments against firearms, it was the criminal that attacked him, not the gun. The millions of law-abiding gun owners in the U.S. did not attack him. Our forefathers saw the ownership of a gun as a basic right. It was not for “sport,” not “for hunting,” but rather a method and insurance to avoid tyranny.

If a criminal attacks you, arrest the criminal. If the crime rate is so high that there are too many criminals for the police, find the root cause for the criminal, don’t oppose the Constitution. When will our legislators and the press realize this? I am sure if there were no firearms available, Ferguson would have been attacked by a knife, a chain or a baseball bat. The point is that the felon would have had a weapon. We must solve the criminal problem, and the “gun problem” will solve itself.


