
Development Near Ballona Wetlands Gets Approval

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Over the objections of environmentalists, Native American groups, some homeowners and two political candidates, the Los Angeles City Council approved a 119-home development Wednesday on the West Bluff south of the Ballona Wetlands in the Westchester-Playa Vista area.

Critics say the 44-acre site at 7501 80th St., to be developed by Catellus Development Corp., is part of the endangered coastal ecosystem and that it contains one of the last known uncovered village sites left by the Shoshone Gabrielino Indians. Homeowners fear increased traffic and air pollution.

But developers said the project is consistent with all zoning codes and will include 17.3 acres of open space, 14.3 of which will be under the jurisdiction of the state Coastal Commission.


The developers also promised to preserve most of the bluff face and to provide $400,000 for traffic mitigation.

A steering committee of homeowners and residents had been formed and advised the developers.

Councilwoman Ruth Galanter, whose district includes the project, said that “no development is perfect” but that this one represents the best possible results.


Still Kathy Knight, the wetlands coordinator of the Spirit of the Sage Council said: “The City Council has continued their vote to pave over Los Angeles. It’s a shame we’re destroying our coastal resources and our cultural history here in Los Angeles.”

Two candidates who opposed the project, Rex Frankel and Salvatore Grammatico, are running against Galanter in the April primary.
