
Getting Snarky on the Celebs


If the gossip that fills the world’s tabloid television shows, magazines and newspaper columns is not enough, you can get another dose of dish each day on the Net. One of our favorite sites is

The site’s queen is Jill “the Diva” Stempel, who began telling all at before founding Stempel is hardly a sugarcoated Liz Smith. Witness her commentary on “it” boy Stephen Dorff’s get-up at the New York premiere party for the movie “Stepmom”:

“He was criminally underdressed for the party, wearing slacks and a button-down shirt to an event where most of the men were in tuxedos. That would have been forgiven if he had not topped off the ensemble with a RED PUMA BASEBALL HAT. Ewwww . . . I can’t even believe they let him in the place with that thing on his head. This ain’t a Yankee game, buddy, get the damn baseball hat off your head.”


Leave it to Stempel to tell it like it is. Taking a year off from Princeton, she moved to Hollywood, where she become a freelance writer for a “Melrose Place” Web site. Singularly underwhelmed by La-La Land, Stempel’s star annoyance shows through in the site’s ironic, funny anecdotes.

Pass the sleaze, please!
