
Police, Prosecutors Vie in Sports Events

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Ventura police joined investigators from the district attorney’s office at the recent California Police Summer Games and took home several gold medals.

The competitions at Lake Castaic ranged from basketball to darts, with the local team stealing titles in triathlons, speed cycling events and a two-mile swim.

“The big picture is that cops are the first-line defense for people,” said David Saunders, a district attorney investigator and member of the triathlon team. “So physical fitness is critical. Personally, I think every cop should be working out and staying in shape.”


The event was an amateur competition featuring law agencies from throughout the state.

Other triathlon team members included Ventura police officers Mark Cleavenger, 31, and Jon Keller, 34. Cleavenger also won the gold in the two-mile open water swim.

Senior Dist. Atty. Investigator Danny Miller, 39, swept the solo triathlon; Officer Jeff Theis, 31, claimed one gold and three silvers in cycling events, while welfare fraud investigator Kent Bodin was tops in tennis.

In addition to keeping the lawmen in top shape, there is one more benefit: “I think all the other guys would agree it’s really fun,” Saunders said.
