
Latino Education


Mario Garcia’s column (“Don’t Use Test Scores to Scapegoat Latinos,” June 25) made some good points about the education of the Latino population. Latinos do have unique challenges. Economic conditions, language differences and a lack of parental education are factors many Latinos must overcome to be successful in school.

We must make sure that our students are performing at high levels rather than lowering standards because there are obstacles. We can do that if we realize that educating our youth is the shared responsibility of parents, teachers, administrators and students.

Children need encouragement, guidance and support. Parents need to make it their responsibility to check on their children’s academic progress and seek out support when necessary. Counselors and teachers need to make sure parents and students know where help is available. Too often assistance programs for struggling students go unused.


The value of an education can’t be overestimated. College graduates annually earn $24,354 more than high school graduates--about $1 million more over a lifetime. Education is the door to a new world where our children’s possibilities are infinite. Their future and our future depend on their success in school now.


Trustee, CSU

Long Beach
