
‘Girls’ Software’ a Troubling Concept


“In Software, It’s Still a Boy’s World” [June 28] makes some troubling assumptions about the needs and interests of young girls.

From the article: “Mattel says it has tried to capitalize on girls’ innate interest in playing with dolls.” This overlooks the fact that boys also play with dolls called action figures. Are girls born averse to the competitive aspect of most video games, or are they discouraged from competing in activities such as sports from a very early age?

The article suggests that girls like Mattel’s best-selling “Barbie Cool Looks Fashion Designer” in part because it is relevant to the toys they already play with. Does this imply that driving cars, piloting combat aircraft, playing sports, shooting guns and other popular subjects for games are relevant only to boys’ lives?


There is an incredible variety of games for boys and girls alike. The problems lies not with the video games but with a society that steers girls away from competition, sports, computers, vehicles, advanced technologies and anything else deemed too “masculine” for them, and instead toward fashion, clothing, makeup and playing house.

I fear that Barbie and other games “for girls” will reinforce rather than break down the roles that society imposes upon women.


El Cerrito, Calif.
