
Online Bookseller to Pay for Referrals

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Bloomberg News Inc., the No. 2 online bookseller, said it started a program that lets users earn a commission on sales if they direct other people to the retailer’s Internet site through links in their e-mails. Through the service, called MybnLink, members can earn 5% of sales generated through e-mail referrals or give the money to certain charities. Commissions are earned on sales of books, music, videos, software or magazines. A member could e-mail a friend recommending a book, for instance, and get the commission if the person uses the e-mail link to make a purchase. MybnLink, which started Monday, is the latest move by to compete with No. 1 online seller Inc., which got a two-year lead selling books online. said the program is the first of its kind and will increase its customer base and lower marketing costs. is jointly owned by Barnes & Noble Inc. and German media company Bertelsmann. said it plans to market MybnLink through Barnes & Noble stores, online advertising and other channels.
